This blog is inspired by Andrea Lea. I was listening to her coaching a client on the Moore Master Series calls. She requested her client and everyone listening to “take a bold stand on something”.
Wow, I found this very inspiring.
She suggests that if you are stuck in your life or your business that you need to take a bold stand. Something is getting in your way and to get unstuck you will have to be bold and courageous.
My question to you today – What would it look like if you were you taking a bold stand on something?
My bold stand would be to continue to live my life with passion and fire, no matter what. It is so easy to cave into depression and lethargy, endless thinking, or numerous other diversions. But I find staying focused on passion and fire to be very rewarding!
Her next powerful question:
If you only had one song to sing - this is what my life has been about - and you were singing to your God, what would it be?
My one song to sing - it would have to be the HU song! What an amazing word to sing, one that allows me to expand continuously!
"Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Today's mighty oak is yesterday's nut that held its ground." Rosa Park
Here’s to bold stands and powerful songs!