I believe they affect each other. The outstanding question posed many years ago was: If a butterfly flaps its wings in Japan, is is felt in Canada? (ps insert countries as your like).
As we evolve and unfold as individuals and global citizens, I see the connection more clearly between all events.
Corporate Culture:
When I first started coaching in 1999, Thomas Leonard, found of the coaching industry, proposed that we were moving from the Knowledge Age to the Inspiration Age. Knowledge is easily attained today. Need to know something? Social media provides a quick and easily accessible answer. Knowledge used to be power. Now everyone has the ability to be knowledgable. Yes I said ability, not everyone takes advantage of it and yes, it can be generation specific.
Today inspiration is more impactful and there is a direct link between levels of inspiration and results. Our measuring systems still look at the bottom line results, P&L statements and are often short term measure, the last quarter.
Corporations are beginning to understand how to change P&L dramatically. I dream of this world often. Caring for the employee, what are their needs, what inspires them, what do we need to do to allow that person to be their best.
"I predict that one day every company will have along with a CEO, CFO, COO and CSO, someone with a title like CCO, Chief Culture Officer - whose job will be to keep track of the needs of every single employee of the company. Not keep track of every employee, that would still be HR's job. Keep track of their needs, and meet them to be the best of the COO's ability, not through empty pep talks and token gifts but individualized goal setting, strategizing for the future and constant confirmation that the employee is satisfied."
The Thank You Economy, Gary Vannerchuk
Neuro Science:
Great advances have been made in Neuroscience research in the past ten years. Scientists are beginning to prove scientifically many of the theories we have used for many years. For example, the power of writing things down. A commonly known technique for accomplishing your goals and reaching your dreams is writing them down. Some use it, some don't, but those who use it find they achieve their goals and dreams more often than those who don't. Today we can understand this from a brain perspective. For more detailed information on this research I suggest reading "Your Brain at Work, Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long" by David Rock. I found this to be a fascinating read with a plethora of useful exercises, a great integration of neuroscience research and business.
My question to contemplate today - Do neuroscientific findings affect business culture?