I came across this piece from LinedIn - The Get Inspired Project by Jim Reese. I was inspired and thought you might find it inspiring also.
Being quiet to be powerful struck me as intriguing. I realized that the moments in my life when I have felt connected to a power most often occur when I am out in the quiet with nature. Kayaking across a still lake on a warm sunny afternoon. Having my breath taken away by the beauty of a garden or a mountainside covered in flowers. Listening to the waves crash on the seashore. Listening to the call of the loon. Sitting in the sunshine reading. Watching the clouds float across the sky.
The whispering voice in me caressing my soul, instructing, reassuring and inviting. All is well with the world at these times and I come back to the busy city life renewed, refreshed and inspired!
When do you hear the whispering voice inside of you?